25 November 2011

Ismail Mat Hussein

Ismail Mat Hussin is visited our shop last week. He's from Kelantan.

Born - 1938 Kota Bharu, Kelantan

1954 – 1955 - Sekolah Melayu Padang Garong (Darjah VII) Attended Special Weekly Art Class under
the tutorage of Cikgu Nik Mahmood
1962 - Obtained Grade V (Violin) Music Certificate from the Royal School of Music, London

Profession :
1950s Started interest in art
1968 Became full time artist
1965 – 1967 Part time musician at RTM, Kota Bharu
1979 – 1991 Graphic Designer and Illustrator, Syarikat Percetakan Dian, Kota Bharu, Kelantan

24 November 2011

New Painting

Dear Friends,

We just got some new paintings in from young artist : MOHD IZWAN HILMI.A painter who doing in Abtrak. A combination of DOTS & LINES.
Hereby attached some of it's painting. Sell at very special price, please visit us.
see you here.

18 November 2011

Chow chin Chuan
Water color on paper
56X76 cm

This painting by Chong Ai Lei is now available in our gallery, anyone interested pls call or whatsapp Lanie 014 2427760

Chong Ai Lei Wild Dreams 4, 2015 Oil on Canvas 120x120 cm